The latest terms & conditions are effective as of February 25, 2025.
Explorer:店舖/官網註冊即可成為XPLR PASS會員,會籍永久有效。
Explorer: Register in-store or online to become an XPLR PASS member with free permanent membership.
Blazer: Explorer members can upgrade to Blazer membership with any spending within 1 year. Members enjoy a one-time 10% discount on regular-priced items during their birthday month (excluding UE; a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for every single item). Earn 1 point for every $1 spent. The tier is valid for 1 year, and any spending within the period will retain the tier; otherwise, the membership tier will be downgraded.
Adventurer: Spending $4,800 - $8,799 within 1 year. Members receive an extra 500 points and enjoy a one-time 20% discount on regular-priced items during their birthday month (excluding UE: a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for every single item). Earn 1.2 points for every $1 spent. The tier is valid for 1 year. To retain this tier, members must spend $3,500 or more within the validity period; otherwise, the membership tier will be downgraded.
Pioneer: Spending $8,800 - $27,999 within 1 year. Members receive an extra 500 points and enjoy a one-time 30% discount on regular-priced items during the birthday month (a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for every single item and a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for UE products). Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent. The tier is valid for 1 year. To retain this tier, members must spend $7,000 or more within the validity period; otherwise, the membership tier will be downgraded.
Team Summit(邀約制) : 1年內凡購物滿$28,000或以上,至少2次購物,當中須包括SUMMIT SERIES系列或UE系列,即可獲邀參加(需內部審核),升級後可獲得額外500積分獎賞,生日當月正價商品可享一次性7折優惠(同款產品限購5件,UE系列限購8件)。消費$1可獲1.5倍積分。等級有效期為1年,等級有效期內消費滿$7,000即可保留等級。
Team Summit (by invitation only): Earn an exclusive invite with $28,000+ spent on two purchases, including Summit Series or UE products, within 1 year. An internal approval process will be conducted to grant the upgrade. Team Summit members will receive an extra 500 points. The member will also enjoy a one-time 30% discount on regular-priced items during their birthday month (a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for every single item and a maximum of 8 pcs allowed for UE products). Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent. The tier is valid for 1 year. To retain this tier, members must spend $7,000 or more within the validity period; otherwise, the membership tier will be downgraded.
Earn 1 point for every $1 spent
購物每滿$1,000 即送$100 購物禮券
Receive a $100 shopping voucher with every single purchase of $1,000 or more
Enjoy a one-time 10% discount on regular-priced items during your birthday month (excluding UE; a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for every single item)
消費$1 獲得1 積分
Earn 1 point for every $1 spent
10 points = $1, redeemable for up to 30% off regular-priced items (excluding UE products and outlet store)
Receive an extra 500 points upon upgrading
Enjoy a one-time 20% discount on regular-priced items during your birthday month (excluding UE; a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for every single item)
消費$1 獲得1.2倍 積分
Earn 1.2 points for every $1 spent
10 points = $1, redeemable for up to 30% off regular-priced items (excluding UE products and outlet store)
Receive an extra 500 points upon upgrading
Enjoy a one-time 30% discount on regular-priced items during your birthday month (a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for every single item and a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for UE products in a purchase)
消費$1 獲得1.5倍 積分
Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent
10 points = $1, redeemable for up to 30% off regular-priced items (excludes UE products and outlet store)
Receive an extra 500 points upon upgrading
Enjoy a one-time 30% discount on regular-priced items during your birthday month (a maximum of 5 pieces allowed for every single item and a maximum of 8 pieces allowed for UE items in a purchase)
消費$1 獲得1.5倍 積分
Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent
10 points = $1, redeemable for up to 30% off regular-priced items (excluding UE products and outlet stores)
Get priority access to limited-edition products and pre-orders