Launches First Capsule Collection with Japanese Independent Designer Naohiro Fujisaki
Featuring Immersive Art Installation by Artist Oscar Wang at Pacific Place
The North Face 首度與日本獨立設計師藤崎尚大合作
推出 Urban Exploration 2025 春夏系列都市進化的全新章節
由藝術家王令塵打造期間限定沉浸式藝術裝置 登陸太古廣場
The North Face, in its first-ever launches the first capsule collection with Japanese independent designer Naohiro Fujisaki, extending its Urban Exploration SS25 theme of "Urban Evolution". Reinterpreting classic The North Face ICON pieces, while incorporating functional style with urban aesthetics and adding pops of color, the collection breaks away from traditional outdoor gear imagery to offer a new vision for boundaryless urban exploration and encourage explorers to see the city from a fresh perspective. The North Face has also partnered with artist Oscar Wang to create a physical representation of this new campaign. The "Blurred Border" immersive art installation, launching during Hong Kong Art Week, invites visitors to transcend traditional perspectives on exploration in a multisensory missive celebrating both The North Face and Hong Kong Culture.
"Blurred Border" Art Installation by Oscar Wang Lands in Hong Kong:
An Immersive Sensory Experience Bridging the City and Nature
The North Face 首度與日本獨立設計師藤崎尚大合作,延續 Urban Exploration 2025 春季主題「都市進化 Urban Evolution」,推出全新膠囊系列,鼓勵探索者以全新視覺探視這座城市。系列重新演繹 The North Face 經典 ICON 單品,融合機能風格設計及都市審美,加入色彩點綴,打破傳統既有戶外裝備形象,為無邊界的城市探索提供全新的視野。The North Face 更邀請到藝術家王令塵合作,以Blurred Border 為靈感設計藝術裝置,打造「Blurred Border」沉浸式藝術裝置,於香港藝術周邀請大家穿透傳統視野及邊界,打破重力的邊界。
王令塵「Blurred Border」藝術裝置空降香港 融合城市山海打造感官漂浮之旅
為慶祝全新 Urban Exploration 2025 春夏季系列正式推出,The North Face 聯同藝術家王令塵共同打造「Blurred Border」沉浸式藝術裝置, 引領大家一同踏進城市與大自然之間越趨模糊的界線,重新詮釋現代探索的概念。

Featuring The North Face's iconic 2-metre dome tent, Wang's installation deliberately integrates Hong Kong's distinctive topography and seamlessly blends local urban street elements with natural landscapes. These intricate details pay homage to the city's unique cultural heritage, while the dome symbolizes limitless possibilities for exploration.
As visitors approach the tent, they will be able to hear environmental sounds corresponding to nearby Hong Kong cultural patterns, such as cha chaan tengs, streets, and the subway, creating a seamless integration of urban and natural elements. Once inside the tent, visitors can feel a soft breeze, while images of the sky projected on the ground and reflected in mirrors create a floating sensation, which is captured in a photograph at the peak of their jump. The tent's interior, with its inverted sky and ground, generates a weightless and ethereal atmosphere, highlighting the collection's key design features.
藝術裝置以 The North Face 經典 2 米高圓頂帳篷為基礎,王令塵在設計整個藝術裝置時,特意加入香港獨特的人工山丘地貌,並融合本地城市街道元素與自然景觀,以精巧的細節向城市獨特的文化遺產致敬,而空靈穹頂則象徵無限探索可能。

During the exhibition period, The North Face is offering exclusive privileges to XPLR PASS members. By simply sharing event content on social media, members can receive a limited-edition instant film photo and more exploration rewards*.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Register as a XPLR PASS member:Click to register
展覽期間,The North Face 亦特意為 XPLR PASS 探索通會員推出專享獨家禮遇,誠邀你蒞臨The North Face 期間概念店,率先探索 Naohiro Fujisaki 藤崎尚大的春夏季系列。會員只需於社交媒體分享活動內容,即獲限量即影即有乙張及更多探索獎賞*。
註冊成為 XPLR PASS 會員:點此註冊
The North Face launches the first capsule collection with Naohiro Fujisaki redefining the landscape of functional fashion
The North Face 與日系機能風領軍人藤崎尚大首度聯乘 創新演繹機能時尚

The SS25 collection introduces a limited-edition designer range curated by Naohiro Fujisaki. In celebration of the launch of the Urban Exploration SS25 capsule collection, The North Face and multidisciplinary artist Oscar Wang unveil "Blurred Border" — an immersive art installation that reimagines exploration in the modern age, leading viewers to explore the blurring lines between cities and nature.
Building on The North Face's iconic outdoor classics, the new looks blend urban aesthetics with unique design ingenuity, balancing function and style to unleash the boundless potential of functional aesthetics.
是次春夏季系列單品誠邀日本獨立設計師藤崎尚大Naohiro Fujisaki 主理,共同推出首個限定設計師系列。系列以 The North Face 家喻戶曉的經典戶外單品為基礎,融合都市美感與不同設計巧思,兼顧功能與時尚的同時,綻放機能美學的無限可能。

Under Fujisaki's direction, the SS25 collection reimagines classic silhouettes like the Himalayan Suit, Hard Shell Mountain Jacket, and Denali Jacket, featuring signature elements from The North Face's iconic pieces in both the cuts and intricate details. Select items offer versatile styling with detachable components that can be worn independently. Thoughtful design details, including large pockets, multiple zippers, and tailored cuts, combined with DryVent fabric treated with a DWR water-repellent finish, ensure durability and functionality, providing urban explorers with a lightweight and comfortable wearing experience. Fujisaki also drew inspiration for the color palette from classic industrial design, accentuating the collection with vibrant orange hues.
To complement the collection, The North Face has released a series of campaign visuals, following the designer as he captures the vibrant essence of Tokyo with a camera. These visuals showcase the collection's ability to seamlessly transition through the city, embodying a journey of inspired evolution.
在藤崎尚大的操刀下,系列重新演繹喜馬拉雅連身衣、硬殼衝鋒衣、Denali等經典版型,無論是裁片或是細節都能找到 The North Face 經典單品熟悉的身影。部分單品可透過拉鍊分拆作獨立穿著,實現多變造型。配合大口袋、多拉鍊及裁切細節巧思,加上經 DWR 防潑水處理1 的 DryVent2 布料,確保其耐用性及功能性,為都市探索者提供輕便舒適的穿著體驗。藤崎尚大亦從經典工業設計中汲取用色靈感上,以充滿生機的橙色作點綴。
¹DRYVENT:DryVent™ fabrics are engineered to be fully waterproof, windproof and breathable. The outer face of the textile is treated with a durable water repellant finish that helps form droplets and repel water from the surface.
²DWR: DWR is a lightweight fabric that is water-repelling and water-resistant which blocks moisture on the fabric surface while offering high breathability. It also provides quick drying to keep the fabric clean.
¹DWR: 水分子滲透面料的防線。主要功能是將水分阻截在面料表面,且這種處理會增強面料的透氣性。在加快其乾燥速度的同時,能有效阻塵阻油,保持衣物表面潔淨。
The North Face "Blurred Border" Immersive Art Installation Pop-Up
Date: 22 - 30 March, 2025
Location: Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Exhibition Hours: 11am - 8pm (Free entry)
Witness the fusion of Japanese design and The North Face's iconic style in this latest collection. The North Face Urban Exploration SS25 capsule collection** is now available at The North Face Concept Stores and Exploration Concept Store.
**All products are not sold in Japan and Korea.
The North Face「Blurred Border」期間限定沉浸式藝術裝置
日期:2025 年 3 月 22 日 - 30日
展覽時間:上午 11 時至晚上 8 時(免費開放予公眾)
The North Face Urban Exploration 2025 春夏季系列「都市進化」**現已正式登陸全港 The North Face 品牌概念店及 Urban Exploration 品牌探索概念店。
Wherever you are, never stop exploring.
About Oscar Wang
Multidisciplinary Artist Founder, Open Work Studio Oscar Wang (b. 1990) is a multidisciplinary artist based in Shanghai. Growing up between China and abroad, he graduated from Chelsea College of Art and Design with a degree in interior spatial design. Believing in the five senses of humans as the most primal means of perception and emotional expression, Oscar aims to integrate traditional philosophies and aesthetics with contemporary life. Seeing the 'sixth sense' as the inspiration behind all human creativity, he focuses on delivering creative projects that resonate with the next generation of cultural connoisseurs from Asia and beyond.
關於 Oscar Wang 王令塵
About Naohiro Fujisaki
With the concept of "clothes as a tool," Naohiro Fujisaki founded meanswhile in Autumn/Winter of 2014 after years of working at various fashion houses. He has received numerous accolades, including the Tokyo New Designer Fashion Grand Prix in the professional category and the Tokyo Fashion Award, and is renowned for his forward-thinking vision and masterful craftsmanship that combines design and functionality. He holds a prominent position in Japanese menswear and enjoys international acclaim for his distinctive style.
Fujisaki has had a lifelong curiosity about the outdoors, with a passion for mountaineering and camping, and frequently draws inspiration from nature. During his childhood, he enjoyed dismantling small objects, initially focusing on putting them back together "correctly," but later discovering that creating "incorrect" new forms was more exciting. This spirit of exploration is integral to his design philosophy, as he continuously experiments with reassembly and innovation, exploring limitless possibilities.
出身藝術世家的日本設計師藤崎尚大(Naohiro Fujisaki)秉持「衣服不僅僅是一件衣服,還是一種工具」的設計理念,在多家時裝公司累積多年經驗後,於2014年秋冬創立時裝品牌 meanswhile。他曾榮獲「東京新人設計師時裝大獎」、「東京時尚大獎」等多項殊榮,以其前瞻性的視野和兼具設計感與功能性的精湛技藝而聞名,在日本男裝界擁有極高聲望,更以獨樹一幟的風格享譽國際時尚圈。藤崎尚大自小對戶外世界充滿好奇,熱愛登山露營,在大自然的懷抱中汲取靈感。童年時期,他喜歡拆解身邊的小物件,從最初執著於「正確」地將其還原,到後來發現創造出「錯誤」的新形態反而更令人興奮,這種探索精神也貫穿於他的設計理念之中,不斷嘗試重組與創新,發掘無限可能。
Store Listing
The North Face Urban Exploration Concept Store
Shop 122, Level 1, Pacific Place , 88 Queensway, Admiralty
Tel: 2431 0833
The North Face Exploration Concept Store
Shop 402-406, 4/F, Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay
Tel: 2892 1113
The North Face Concept Stores
Shop G07, G/F, K11 Art Mall, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Tel: 3188 5206
Shop 505-505A, 5/F, New Town Plaza, Sha Tin
Tel: 2609 1110
The North Face Urban Exploration 概念店
The North Face 品牌探索概念店
銅鑼灣希慎廣場軒尼詩道500號 4樓402-406號舖
The North Face 品牌概念店
尖沙咀 K11 Art Mall 地下 G07, 10 及 G25 號舖
電話: 31885206
電話: 26091110