我現有的會員等級尚未到期,XPLR PASS升級對我的會籍有甚麼影響?
How will the upgrade of the membership program impact my current membership?
The North Face XPLR PASS會員計劃升級後,有效的會員帳戶之等級及所獲得的禮遇將由2025年2月25日起,按更新後的內容而調整。
After the upgrade of The North Face XPLR PASS rewards program, all membership tiers and benefits will be adjusted according to the new program starting from February 25, 2025.
我已經符合Team Summit等級的消費要求,為何我的會籍仍未升級?
I’ve met the spending requirements for the Team Summit tier; why hasn’t my membership been upgraded yet?
Team Summit是The North Face XPLR PASS中最高的會員等級,僅限受邀會員。等級更新程序需時,如您已獲邀成為Team Summit會員,我們將盡快處理升級事宜。
Team Summit, the invitation-only tier, is the highest membership tier in The North Face XPLR PASS rewards program. We will handle your membership upgrade process at our earliest upon the invitation issued. Thank you for your patience.
我可以如何賺取XPLR PASS積分?
How can I earn XPLR PASS points?
XPLR PASS會員於專門店及特賣店的消費均可賺取積分。賺取積分的比率按會員等級而定,比率最高可達 $1=1.5倍積分。
XPLR PASS members can earn points through purchases made in physical stores and outlet stores. The points earning rate varies by membership tier, with the best available being $1 = 1.5 points.
Where can I redeem my points to offset my purchase?
積分兌換適用於專門店(不適用於 UE系列及特賣店)。
Points can be redeemed at any The North Face store (excluding UE products and outlet stores).
How can I redeem points for a purchase?
交易前,您可以向The North Face店員表示希望使用積分,門市店員將協助操作,積分一經兌換將不會退回。
Please inform our staff that you wish to redeem points before completing your purchase. Our staff will assist in processing the points redemption. Once redeemed, points cannot be refunded.
消費後,我會在當天就會收到積分嗎?XPLR PASS的積分有效期多久?我的積分在過期後會有什麼安排?
Do I earn points immediately after making a purchase? How long is the validity period of the points, and what if my points expire?
Points earned from in-store purchases will be credited to your account the next day. Points are valid for 1 year (expiring at the end of the 12th month). Expired points are irreversible and non-useable. Points earned during campaigns may have different expiration dates; please refer to the campaign details accordingly.
If my membership tier is downgraded, can I still use the points I’ve earned?
Yes, you can still use points that are within their validity period. However, the conversion rate will be adjusted based on your current membership tier.
Apart from purchases and membership perks, are there other ways to earn points?
The North Face將不定期舉辦會員專屬活動,讓您以多個方式獲得積分。敬請關注The North Face HK的社交帳戶,掌握最新品牌消息及推廣資訊。
The North Face will host member-exclusive events occasionally, offering additional opportunities to earn points. Follow The North Face HK’s social media for the latest activities.
Where can I check my membership tier and spending progress?
XPLR PASS會員可到XPLR PASS登入帳戶,於會員中心查看會員資訊,等級及消費進度等內容。
XPLR PASS members can login at XPLR PASS and access information on their membership, tier and spending progress at the member center.
我的XPLR PASS會員帳號及禮遇可以分享給別人使用嗎?
Can I share my XPLR PASS with others?
XPLR PASS會員禮遇僅限登記人士享用。若與他人分享XPLR PASS會員而造成任何損失。VF Hong Kong保留提供會員禮遇及相關事宜的最終決定權。
XPLR PASS is exclusive to the registered member. Sharing your membership with others may result in cancellation. VF Hong Kong reserves the final right in decisions pertaining to member benefits and related matters.
If I forget to provide my membership number during a purchase, can I still earn points afterward?
No, points can only be earned at the time of purchase and before the transaction is completed.
Important Notes
原有XPLR PASS會員制度相關之權益及條件將於2025年2月25日00時:00分起由新制度取代。
The current XPLR PASS rewards program will be replaced by the new system starting February 25, 2025, at 00:00.
此XPLR PASS會員制度適用範圍為The North Face香港及澳門地區專門店、The North Face UE專門店及特賣店。
The new XPLR PASS rewards program applies to The North Face stores, Urban Exploration stores and outlet stores in Hong Kong and Macau.
申請XPLR PASS會籍,每個手機號碼只限申請一個會籍。註冊資訊須為真確,如經查證資料重複、不實或不足,The North Face HK有權不受理入會註冊或取消相關會籍,恕不另行通知。
Each phone number is limited to one XPLR PASS membership account. If the provided registration information is found to be duplicate, false, or incomplete, VF Hong Kong reserves the right to reject the registration or cancel the membership without prior notice.
Birthday benefits will be automatically sent on the 1st of the member’s registered birthday month. If you register as a member or complete your membership details during your birthday month, the benefits will only be available the following year.
若因會員個人因素而未能接收The North Face HK的最新訊息,如活動、折扣優惠券、會員計劃說明等,VF Hong Kong恕不負責。
VF Hong Kong is not responsible if members fail to receive updates from The North Face HK such as promotions, discount coupons, or membership program details due to personal reasons.
The North Face XPLR PASS的會員禮遇僅供已登記的人士享用。相關禮遇及內容不得用作任何商業目的。如經證實,VF Hong Kong有權取消會員資格並保留法律追訴權。
XPLR PASS membership benefits are for registered members only and cannot be used for commercial purposes. If misuse is confirmed, VF Hong Kong reserves the right to cancel the membership and pursue legal action.
VF Hong Kong 保留取消、修改、暫停、修改會員權益內容細項之最終決定權。
VF Hong Kong reserves the right to cancel, modify, or suspend the membership benefits and details at its discretion.